34e Bourse d'aide au développement
Les 14 projets sélectionnés à la Bourse d'aide au développement 2024
AMARA de Michelle Keserwany, réalisatrice (Liban) | Tine Mikkelsen, productrice - Zentropa (Danemark/France/Liban/Jordanie)
Darine, pétillante présentatrice de l'horoscope à la radio, se voit contrainte de remplacer le présentateur du journal télévisé, brusquement licencié en raison de la crise économique. Ce bouleversement la force à quitter son monde imaginaire et affronter la brutale réalité.
Darine, a dynamic horoscope presenter at the radio, must replace the news anchor suddenly fired due to the economic crisis, forcing her to break out of her fictional bubble and face a harsh reality caused by her words.
Darine, a dynamic horoscope presenter at the radio, must replace the news anchor suddenly fired due to the economic crisis, forcing her to break out of her fictional bubble and face a harsh reality caused by her words.
BAB EL SAHRA de Salem Brahimi, réalisateur (Algérie) | Alexandre Gavras - KG Productions (France)
Le frère d'un gendarme revient dans sa ville natale du désert algérien et déclenche des événements meurtriers dans une mine voisine, plaçant son frère dans un dilemme entre famille et patrie.
A gendarme's brother returns to his hometown in the Algerian desert and triggers deadly events at a nearby mine, placing his brother in a dilemma between family and homeland.
A gendarme's brother returns to his hometown in the Algerian desert and triggers deadly events at a nearby mine, placing his brother in a dilemma between family and homeland.
BELLA de Mohcine Besri, réalisateur | Lamia Chraibi, productrice & Aymane Hammou, producteur - La Prod (Maroc)
Lalla Aicha, veuve septuagénaire, s'éprend de Si Ahmed, bouleversant son entourage. Tiraillée entre conventions et désirs, elle affronte le jugement de son fils Youssef face à cette romance tardive. Sa fille Nora observe avec surprise cette mère jadis distante s'ouvrir à l'amour en contraste avec ses propres échecs amoureux. Bella explore avec humour et douceur-amertume les tensions entre traditions et passions tardives.
Lalla Aicha, a septuagenarian widow, falls in love with Si Ahmed, upsetting those around her. Torn between convention and desire, she confronts her son Youssef's judgment of this belated romance. Her daughter Nora watches in surprise as this once distant mother opens up to love, in contrast to her own failures in love. Bella explores the tensions between tradition and late-life passion with humor and bittersweetness.
Lalla Aicha, a septuagenarian widow, falls in love with Si Ahmed, upsetting those around her. Torn between convention and desire, she confronts her son Youssef's judgment of this belated romance. Her daughter Nora watches in surprise as this once distant mother opens up to love, in contrast to her own failures in love. Bella explores the tensions between tradition and late-life passion with humor and bittersweetness.
CELLULE FAMILIALE de Clara Petazzoni, réalisatrice (France)
Crise climatique. Divorce parental. Max, 8 ans, a le pouvoir de faire monter l’eau des sols et d’accéder aux Mémoires des adultes. Elle veut sauver son village du manque d’eau et son père de la dépression. Finalement, ni le volcan où vivent les enfants seuls, ni son pouvoir, ne vont rendre Max à son insouciance. C’est son amitié avec l’Enfant, avec qui elle découvrira l’océan, qui la sauvera.
Climate crisis. Parental divorce. Max, 8, has the power to raise water from the ground and access adult memories. She wants to save her village from water shortage and her father from depression. In the end, neither the volcano where the children live alone, nor her power, will restore Max to his carefree self. It's her friendship with L'Enfant, with whom she discovers the ocean, that saves her.
Climate crisis. Parental divorce. Max, 8, has the power to raise water from the ground and access adult memories. She wants to save her village from water shortage and her father from depression. In the end, neither the volcano where the children live alone, nor her power, will restore Max to his carefree self. It's her friendship with L'Enfant, with whom she discovers the ocean, that saves her.
INTRA MONTES de Alberto Diana, réalisateur | Manuela Buono, productrice - Slingshot Films (Italie/France)
Sardaigne, années 1930. Après avoir assisté à l'assassinat de son frère aîné, Agostino, par les milices fascistes, le jeune Angelo quitte son village et s'engage dans la marine avec son charismatique ami Bastiano. Il débarque à Majorque pendant la guerre civile, impliqué dans un conflit qui ne le représente pas. La rencontre avec Laia, une femme d'origine républicaine, l'obligera à remettre en question son propre destin.
Sardinia, 1930s. After witnessing the murder of his elder brother Agostino by the fascist blackshirts, young Angelo leaves his village and join the navy together with his charismatic friend Bastiano. He lands in Majorca during the Civil War, involved in a conflict that doesn't represent him. The encounter with Laia, a woman with a Republican background, will force him to question his own destiny.
Sardinia, 1930s. After witnessing the murder of his elder brother Agostino by the fascist blackshirts, young Angelo leaves his village and join the navy together with his charismatic friend Bastiano. He lands in Majorca during the Civil War, involved in a conflict that doesn't represent him. The encounter with Laia, a woman with a Republican background, will force him to question his own destiny.
LA FEMME ASSISE DANS LE COULOIR de Lotfi Achour, réalisateur,producteur | Sébastien Hussenot-La Luna Production (France/Tunisie)
Quand Sonia (19) apprend que son père, supposé mort dans un accident, a péri sous la torture durant la dictature de Ben Ali, elle se rend à Tunis pour tenter de découvrir la vérité sur son histoire familiale. Sonia réalise, derrière l’histoire de ce père, les sacrifices qu’a dû faire sa mère trente ans plus tôt.
When Sonia (19) learns that her father, supposedly killed in an accident, perished under torture during the Ben Ali dictatorship, she travels to Tunis to try to discover the truth about her family history. Behind her father's story, Sonia realizes the sacrifices her mother had to make thirty years earlier.
When Sonia (19) learns that her father, supposedly killed in an accident, perished under torture during the Ben Ali dictatorship, she travels to Tunis to try to discover the truth about her family history. Behind her father's story, Sonia realizes the sacrifices her mother had to make thirty years earlier.
LA RAGE de Sandra Tabet, réalisatrice | Thomas Micoulet, producteur - Haut les mains (France/Liban)
Julia (60), professeure d’Histoire à l’université, enseigne les conflits irrésolus de la guerre civile Libanaise. Alors qu’elle tente de reconstruire sa relation fragile avec Ghassan, son fils, le passé noir de la ville refait surface, véhiculé par le retour des chiens errants de la guerre. Quand le jeune homme est mordu, mère et fils se plongent dans un voyage cauchemardesque où l’Histoire se répète et ils devront tout faire pour ne pas succomber à l’épidémie de rage qui menace la ville.
Julia (60), a university history professor, teaches about the unresolved conflicts of the Lebanese civil war. As she tries to rebuild her fragile relationship with Ghassan, her son, the city's dark past resurfaces, conveyed by the return of stray dogs from the war. When the young man is bitten, mother and son embark on a nightmarish journey in which history repeats itself, and they must do everything in their power to avoid succumbing to the rabies epidemic threatening the town.
Julia (60), a university history professor, teaches about the unresolved conflicts of the Lebanese civil war. As she tries to rebuild her fragile relationship with Ghassan, her son, the city's dark past resurfaces, conveyed by the return of stray dogs from the war. When the young man is bitten, mother and son embark on a nightmarish journey in which history repeats itself, and they must do everything in their power to avoid succumbing to the rabies epidemic threatening the town.
LE GOÛT DE LA PÊCHE de Elene Mikaberidze, réalisatrice | Ketie Danelia, productrice - Takes Film (Géorgie)
Lili, jeune belgo-géorgienne, ouvre une auberge près de la ligne de séparation avec l’Abkhazie, terre natale de sa mère. Le virage géopolitique de la Géorgie vers la Russie transforme son havre en refuge pour Géorgiens, Ukrainiens et Russes. Lili est déchirée entre son identité et la crise autour d'elle.
Lili, a young Belgian-Georgian, opens a guesthouse near the separation line with Abkhazia, her mother's homeland. As Georgia's geopolitical shift towards Russia turns her haven into a refuge for Georgians, Ukrainians, and Russians, Lili is torn between her identity and the crisis around her.
Lili, a young Belgian-Georgian, opens a guesthouse near the separation line with Abkhazia, her mother's homeland. As Georgia's geopolitical shift towards Russia turns her haven into a refuge for Georgians, Ukrainians, and Russians, Lili is torn between her identity and the crisis around her.
LE REFUGE de Abdallah Al-Khatib, réalisateur (Palestine) | Salah Issaad, producteur - Issaad Film Productions (Algérie)
Lorsqu'un tribunal rejette la demande d'asile de Nour, 25 ans, et annonce son expulsion imminente, cela brise ses rêves d'avenir en Allemagne. Elle et un groupe de femmes dans un camp pour réfugiées luttent ensemble contre leur expulsion, cherchant un avenir moins oppressif pour elles et leurs enfants.
When a court’s rejection of her asylum application and impending deportation orders shatter 25-year-old Nour’s dreams of a future in Germany, she and a group of women in a private refugee residence together fight a multi-faceted battle to break their deportation orders and remain in Germany, in search of a less oppressive future for themselves and their children.
When a court’s rejection of her asylum application and impending deportation orders shatter 25-year-old Nour’s dreams of a future in Germany, she and a group of women in a private refugee residence together fight a multi-faceted battle to break their deportation orders and remain in Germany, in search of a less oppressive future for themselves and their children.
LES OISEAUX DE SHEHRAZADE de Sofia El Khyari, réalisatrice et productrice | Oneiris Animation (Maroc)
En plein protectorat français, Warda, née dans un foyer modeste, utilise le dessin comme échappatoire. Son destin bascule lorsqu'elle tombe amoureuse de Hassan, un fervent nationaliste engagé au Cinéma Shéhrazade. Avec l'aide de Ninio, un jeune garçon passionné qui tourne en amateur les premiers films marocains, ils se mettent à rêver d’une indépendance et d’une infinie liberté.
During the French protectorate, Warda, born into a modest family, uses drawing as an escape. Her life changes when she falls in love with Hassan, a fervent nationalist working at the Shehrazade Cinema. With the help of Ninio, a passionate young boy filming the first amateur Moroccan movies, they start dreaming of independence and boundless freedom.
During the French protectorate, Warda, born into a modest family, uses drawing as an escape. Her life changes when she falls in love with Hassan, a fervent nationalist working at the Shehrazade Cinema. With the help of Ninio, a passionate young boy filming the first amateur Moroccan movies, they start dreaming of independence and boundless freedom.
RUNNING WITH BEASTS de Leila Basma, réalisatrice | Natália Pavlove, productrice - Other Stories (République Tchèque/Liban)
En pleine crise économique libanaise, un groupe de cinq lycéens se réunit une dernière fois après la remise des diplômes pour finaliser leur plan secret qui leur permettra de réaliser leurs rêves. Le plan est dangereux, mais leurs responsabilités d'adulte sont tout proches. Leurs corps se transforment, leur appétit, leurs goûts, leurs envies. Aucun d'entre eux n'a imaginé les conséquences de leurs actions.
Amid the Lebanese economic crisis, a group of five high schoolers meets one last time after graduation to finalize their secret plan which guarantees to afford their approaching dreams. The plan is dangerous, and fun, but adulthood and responsibilities are very near. Their bodies are transforming, their appetite, their tastes, their cravings. None of them has imagined the big consequences of their actions.
Amid the Lebanese economic crisis, a group of five high schoolers meets one last time after graduation to finalize their secret plan which guarantees to afford their approaching dreams. The plan is dangerous, and fun, but adulthood and responsibilities are very near. Their bodies are transforming, their appetite, their tastes, their cravings. None of them has imagined the big consequences of their actions.
SHIBBOLETH de Alexandra Matheou, réalisatrice | Tonia Mishiali - Bark Like A Cat (Chypre/France)
Mary, une jeune mère porteuse, part en vacances chez Nora et Carole, le couple d'écrivains quinquagénaires fortunés dont elle est enceinte. Dès son arrivée, Mary se rend compte qu'elle n'est pas sur une île comme les autres et que les intentions du couple ne sont pas très claires. Sa rencontre avec « La Mère », une femme mystérieuse vénérée par tous les habitants de l'île, lui ouvre les yeux.
Mary - a young surrogate mother - goes on holiday to stay with Nora and Carole, the wealthy couple of fifty-year-old writers with whom she is pregnant. As soon as she arrives, Mary realizes that she is not on an island like the others and that the couple's intentions are not so clear. Her encounter with ‘The Mother’, a mysterious woman revered by all the islanders, is an eye-opener.
Mary - a young surrogate mother - goes on holiday to stay with Nora and Carole, the wealthy couple of fifty-year-old writers with whom she is pregnant. As soon as she arrives, Mary realizes that she is not on an island like the others and that the couple's intentions are not so clear. Her encounter with ‘The Mother’, a mysterious woman revered by all the islanders, is an eye-opener.
TKALLEM de Nejib Kthiri, réalisateur | Afef Ben Mahmoud, productrice - Mésanges Films (Tunisie/Grande-Bretagne)
Dans la Tunisie de 2023, les tensions sociales croissantes découlant de la crise des réfugiés subsahariens alimentent le racisme et la xénophobie. Walid, un garçon tunisien noir de douze ans, est aux prises avec des interrogations constantes sur son identité et une vague croissante de bigoterie. Pour ajouter à ses défis, Walid fait face à un mutisme progressif, une condition qui le rend muet lorsqu'on le presse de parler de son identité.
In the Tunisia of 2023, growing social tensions resulting from the sub-Saharan refugee crisis are fueling racism and xenophobia. Walid, a twelve-year-old black Tunisian boy, struggles with constant questions about his identity and a rising tide of bigotry. To add to his challenges, Walid faces progressive mutism, a condition that renders him mute when pressed about his identity.
In the Tunisia of 2023, growing social tensions resulting from the sub-Saharan refugee crisis are fueling racism and xenophobia. Walid, a twelve-year-old black Tunisian boy, struggles with constant questions about his identity and a rising tide of bigotry. To add to his challenges, Walid faces progressive mutism, a condition that renders him mute when pressed about his identity.
UNE FROIDE DISTANCE de Marco Amenta, réalisateur | Simonetta Amenta, productrice - Eurofilm (Italie)
Un jour, l'imprévisible se produit. En un clin d'œil, François, un détective infiltré, doit prendre une décision qui changera sa vie à jamais. Une décision capable de briser la distance froide entre lui et son appât, Elena, une mère célibataire têtue à la recherche d'un nouveau cœur qui lui sauvera la vie.
One day the unpredictable occurs. In a heartbeat, Francois, a rough undercover detective, has to make a decision that will change his life forever. A decision capable of breaking the cold distance between him and his bait, Elena, a stubborn single mother in search of a new heart that will save her life.
One day the unpredictable occurs. In a heartbeat, Francois, a rough undercover detective, has to make a decision that will change his life forever. A decision capable of breaking the cold distance between him and his bait, Elena, a stubborn single mother in search of a new heart that will save her life.
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